Trust Chairs’ Hereford programme notes
Merry Christmas to all our members and fellow Iron supporters everywhere: a warm welcome and festive greetings to any travelling contingent from Hereford home of the revered British Army’s SAS.
Last chance for supporters to purchase our wares in readiness for Christmas: we have a colourful collection of stocking fillers including coasters, egg cups, mugs, pencils, Christmas cards and badges. All are exclusively designed by Will Wharton under his Iron Art logo. As ever a big thank you to Will.
The Iron Trust election process which saw Steve Hawes (Secretary) Dave Beverley (Vice-chair) and Jake Stockdale (Media Mogul) offer themselves for re-election by rotation has gone without hitch and we received no other nominations prior to the December 13th deadline.
The next step in the process is to formerly ratify their nominations at the Trust AGM which is to be held at the Berkeley Hotel on Wednesday 29th January 2025 with a 7pm start time. New SUFC CEO Matt Roberts has been invited to be our guest speaker at the event. Other Trust events include the quiz on Friday 25th January and the next board meeting on Wednesday 8th January; also at the Berkeley Hotel.
The Supporters Club which was dissolved and subsequently resurrected (the second coming) is now being headed by Trust member Stuart Maw, I know some members of the Official Supporters club have questions on those matters, but would urge supporters to get behind and support Stuart going forward.
We at the Trust value our fellow supporter groups especially Winterton Iron contact Dougie Parker, Irish Iron contact Bernard Griffin; SULSESC contact Neil Wright and the supporters club Stuart Maw.
The football card to raffle the 125-year Anniversary box at £5 a go has attracted good support and is nearly full; not too bad for only two home games in which to sell the card. Thanks to Dave Beverley for his efforts.
On behalf of the Iron Trust board Steve, John, Dave, Mark, Bryn, Susan, Jake, Matt, Brian and myself a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our members and fellow Iron supporters. Thank you for your continued support.
Up the mighty Iron
Tony Gosling
Iron Trust Chair