Iron Trust Newsletter has its first sponsors
Welcome and thank you to the first two sponsors of the Trust newsletter, Murray Engineering Systems and Alan Reid Design and Print.
The Trust newsletter is produced for all Trust members before every home league game. It updates members on Trust activities and our many initiatives to raise funds. The Trust is non-profit organisation and all funds raised are used to by more SUFC shares in the name of the Trust.
Trust Member Tom Murray has been watching the Iron at GP since 1996, to be accurate, since August 27th, 1996 v Scarborough. His most memorable game was the 1999 home play-off semi versus Swansea. Currently a season ticket holder in the Britcon Stand with his two sons (Freddie 11, Corey 8). Why join the Trust? “I joined the Iron Trust during the turbulent times off the pitch last season – I think it’s incredible to see how the town has rallied around the football club, I think there’s a real evident community spirit back at Glanford Park, which is great to see as I’m a big advocate of our Team and our Town”
Trust member and SUFC shareholder Alan Reid is an Ireland based supporter and a member of Irish Iron. He is the cousin of Irish Iron founder Bernard Griffin. Alan has been supporting and travelling to watch the Iron for over 20 years. He is a very active sponsor of local clubs and charities in his native Ireland as well as sponsoring Irish Iron and other SUFC related sponsorships over the years. Alan now adds the Trust newsletter sponsorship to his portfolio. Quoting Alan, “It’s a cracking club and I’m inspired to help by all the great people that I’ve got to know in Scunny”