Farsley Celtic programme notes from the Trust Chair’
As ever a warm welcome to Farsley Celtic and any of the travelling Celt Army.
Firstly a breakdown of the Iron Trust income sources which has allowed us to buy a £10,000 stake in our club.
Membership fees have provided most of our purchasing power with membership numbering 1029. Lifetime membership costs £10 with a further £5 levy for overseas membership to cover postage costs, whilst Family memberships are £20.
Hatrick draw has been our second largest income steam. Hatrick draw shares are £1 each with a minimum monthly subscription of £5. Each month a draw takes place via random number generator. For ten of those months the prizes are £75, £25 and £10. The December and May draws are a one off £500. The more people who sign up for Hatrick draw the greater the prize monies which can be paid out.
Easyfundraiser is a growing cash source where supporters sign up to the scheme, name the Iron Trust as your cause and then when purchases are made on-line through Easyfundraiser the sale generates a commission which turns into a donation for the Trust. There are 7500 brands which can be purchased this way including Amazon, Booking.com, Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Pets at Home and Screwfix to name a few.
In the past we have run race nights with an auction of SUFC memorabilia and goodies alongside these nights proved popular and lucrative in fund raising. The club themselves are advertising a further race night in the near future.
All our own fund raising will help the Trust buy further shares in the Iron to support our beloved club in both securing it’s future and getting it back into the Football League, lets dub this initiative as “Share the Way” for now with a challenge to come up with a catchier, better slogan.
Earlier this month John Needham and I attended the local SAG (Safety Advisory Group) meeting, where we aired our concerns on the use of pyrotechnics at football matches. Iron supporters in the ‘Donny Road end’ are becoming increasingly upset by a small minority who put the majority at risk. The club is ramping up its attempts to catch the culprits, we at the Trust wholeheartedly support this initiative.
The next Iron Trust notes will report on the Trust’s latest meeting with club chair Michelle Harness and the Iron quiz night planned for early next year.
Thanks for reading, up the mighty Iron.
Tony Gosling
Iron Trust Chair